My mini project (Bio Gas Plant)

on Sunday, November 25, 2012

This focus on a clean, renewable energy source, biogas with low maintenance. It talks about how biogas is possible and practical source of energy, by using proper methods to produce the gas effectively with a mixing chamber.

  • Biogas is created naturally by the decomposition of organic matter, organic matter is produced wherever there is human habitation.
  • The main forms of organic waste are household food waste, agricultural waste, human and animal waste.
  • Biogas typically refers to a gas produced by the biological breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen.
  • Biogas is produced by the anaerobic digestion or fermentation of biodegradable materials such as biomass, manure, sewage, municipal waste, green waste, plant material, and crops in biogas plan.
  • Biogas comprises primarily methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and may have small amounts of hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
  • Biogas can be compressed, much like natural gas, and used to power motor vehicles.
Here we are using cow dung as organic waste.
        The average population bovine in India is 260 millions. As a adult bovine produces an average of 10kg of dung per day. Nearly 2 millions tones of dung would be available everyday.